My mother is visiting this weekend. She confided that she has become addicted to some Spanish soap opera (Victoria). She almost wants it to be over so she will be out of its grip. She said it feels like a loss, not being able to watch it for a few days. (We don't have a TV.)  I said she could probably find it online, and she said nobly, That's ok.

It's funny because she likes to read biographies of founding fathers and presidents, yet also loves Victoria and The Bachelor :) She told me that Jennifer Weiner has been doing a running commentary on The Bachelor. It's funny, I met Jennifer Weiner at a bookstore in 2005 (there's a blog entry about it) and she was very down to earth. Now she seems pretty glamorous: she did a bookstore reading with Hoda Kotb, and wears hair extensions (by her own admission). Not all the time, though. I think she also got Botox. The thought of bacteria being injected in your face freaks me out.


Rachel Federman said…
You should link to the Weiner run-in.
Bearette said…
It was a post from July 2005 i think...i went to see her reading at the 83rd st B&N...
Bearette said…
Found it and linked...

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