Rear Window

Our new apartment faces a courtyard, which makes it very quiet at night. On the other side of the courtyard, we can see into the windows of other apartments, which creates a Rear Window situation. There is one window I can see into from the kitchen. They have a big, fluffy white sofa with an equally fluffy dog that likes to rest on it and sometimes pounce on the pillows. Yesterday he was taking a nap there, and he looked a bit like a shaggy carpet.


judy in ky said…
I loved the movie Rear Window… so suspenseful. If you have a white fluffy dog you have to have a white, fluffy sofa so the hair doesn't so up so bad!
Bearette said…'s important to match :)
Rachel Federman said…
Love that movie
Bearette said…
Later I saw a girl walking around in her underwear and a guy staring at courtyard voyeurism is alive and well

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