Today the organizer came. At first she came for free, because we won her services at an auction to benefit E's school, and then she started coming on a paid basis once a month or so. We have a walk-in closet near the front hall that was cluttered beyond belief, like an archaeological dig. Now you can actually walk into it and there are empty shelves! Yes.

Today she did E's closet, which also looks beautiful. The non walk-in closets are a lot faster to clean. It looks like someone waved a magic wand over it. When she comes next, in late June, we will tackle one of the other three closets. (We do have a decent amount of closet space for New York.)

If you do have the opportunity to hire an organizer, I recommend it.


Domestic Kate said…
Did she bring organizing tools (hanging shelves and the like) or just work with what you had? I'm curious because I was thinking of becoming an organizer! I think I have a knack for it, and I also want to help people de-clutter.
Bearette said…
She actually doesn't bring much by way of supplies, but she suggests stuff for you to get. She basically sorts things into piles: keep, throw out, donate; and also acts as a handyman, replacing light bulbs and the chains that turn them on.
judy in ky said…
I need an organizer who will also set up an estate sale. I have a lot of old things passed down from family, that I'm sure someone would like to have.
Bearette said…
I wish I could send her to you :)
Rachel Federman said…
That sounds awesome

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