Eight years ago

So this blog will be eight years old in June. (They grow up so fast.) I got thinking about this because I looked up the yoga studio website where I got my teacher certification. It was a central part of my life when I started the blog - its teachers, its politics, its classes. Now I couldn't care less (about that studio). I do yoga at home and am busy with my two children.

I wonder what changes the next eight years will bring.


Domestic Kate said…
I also started blogging in 2005. I think 2005 was a big year for bloggers :) Congrats on the anniversary. Funny how priorities change over time.
Rachel Federman said…
I can't believe 8 years!
Bearette said…
kate - thanks :)]

rachel - i know, it passed pretty quickly!
This Suzy said…
A lot can happen in eight years! It'll be interesting to see what comes next...

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