So I'm reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Surprised by how much I'm enjoying it. I've been unimpressed by other Scandinavian literature I've tried - Smilla's Sense of Snow and The Snowman come to mind. But this seems warmer, more connected. I like the characters and they seem real to me.

Found out that a girl in my co-op is having her third baby. They already have one child of each gender, and live in a two-bedroom apartment. The thought of a third child just fills me with exhaustion. I think two is enough, for me anyway...


judy in ky said…
I tried reading those books and just couldn't get into it. My husband liked it though, and he even went to see the movie.
Bearette said…
I'm surprised how much i like it. I'm also surprised that it was popular - it's kind of off the beaten track.

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