So we had a tour, followed by an interview, at a private school this morning. We saw their terrace, the "hydroponic lab" where the kids grow lettuce and basil, and even a pet iguana. He reminded me of Lurch, the iguana at my orthodontist's office when I was a kid. My orthodontist loved Lurch, to the point that he had him stuffed when he died and wrote a poem in his honor. (This may sound creepy, but was actually quirky and charming.) He also asked all the girls to marry him after he took their braces off (ditto).

I was startled when we got to the interview portion of the program and the interviewer seemed nervous. She immediately asked, "So are we fifth on your list, or tenth?" D said something smooth and deflecting and I thought about how each of these interviews are different. She definitely gave the sense of trying to "sell" the school to us and make a good impression - probably the way it should be! Usually they try to trap you with tricky questions - "What is a challenge you have faced with your child?" so this was kind of refreshing. It was bizarre trying to put the interviewer at ease, though. I was anxious and slept poorly the night before, but mostly because I knew this would be one of the longest of the school appointments and I hoped Z would do okay without me (and vice versa). I was very happy to be reunited with her afterward.


Rachel Federman said…
That's such an odd question. 5th or 10th. What did you say?
Bearette said…
I didn't know what to say. I think d redirected the conversation. Usually they grill you, and she was all, "Please like us!"

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