So I'm visiting my hometown. It's not too cold yet, and E is having a great time with his Dodo, putting her through her paces in the kitchen. We only arrived this afternoon, and they've already made peanut butter Hershey kiss cookies, pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, and now some fruit salad. He is innovating by adding cherries.

We got E's score report for the private school test (like the SAT for college) and he scored 98th percentile on one section, 99th on the other. We are both excited and proud of him. Yes, it is twisted to have to take this test at this age, but so awesome that he did well, which also means we will have some control over the process instead of it controlling us. So, yay.

Reading Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver and Help, Thanks, Wow by Anne Lamott, whose nonfiction is so fantastic. I also bought a book of poems by Mary Oliver; I only really loved the first poem, but that is worth it, I guess.


judy in ky said…
I just finished Flight Behavior. I loved Dellarobia. Please tell me what you think about the ending.
This Suzy said…
Is Flight Behavior one of her non-fiction books? I've only stuck with her novels so far.

I have one of Anne Lamott's other books and loved it. What did you think of this one?
Bearette said…
Judy - will do! It may take me a while, though. It's so long.

Suzy - Flight Behavior is fiction. I love the Anne Lamott book.
Rachel Federman said…
Anne Lamott's nonfiction is so much better than her fiction.

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