So, um. I'm pregnant. Just letting you know. I don't know the gender yet, but random people are telling me it's a girl. And they were right last time (when they told me E was a boy, before I found out for sure).

And the pregnancy is different. With E I had nausea but not much vomiting. With "Sossie" (temporary, not real name) the nausea was so extreme that the doctor prescribed meds. Although I think my body has gotten used to them because they are no longer working quite as well. They do take the edge off, so to speak.

So I am hanging on till 12 weeks (this Saturday) and hopefully the nausea will end then. I had the nuchal translucency ultrasound (everything looked good, apparently) and in one shot I could make out the five curled digits on one tiny hand.


congrats! and every pregnancy is different.. also the labor is shorter w/ second and third were 1 1/2 hr and 1 hr.. the first was 8...
Roxanne said…
Congratulations!!!!! Hope your nausea makes a quick exit. This is so exciting!!!!
Bearette said…
KBF - Glad to hear it! My first labor was too long.

Roxanne - Thanks! I actually haven't had to take my med this morning. Fingers crossed :)
judy in ky said…
That's great news! I'm so happy for you and your growing family.
Bearette said…
Thanks, Judy :)
This Suzy said…
Congratulations!! My friends have said that they had more nausea with their girls, so... ;)
Poppy said…
Congratulations! :) :) :)
Anonymous said…
Great news! No wonder you've been preoccupied lately :) Congrats to your whole family!
Bearette said…
Thanks, guys :)
BabelBabe said…
woot! congratulations!!! sorry about the nausea :(
Bearette said…
Thanks :) The nausea is really hanging in there. Grr.
G said…
Congrats!!!!!!!!!! So excited for you!!! :)
Bearette said…
Thanks G! Hoping I can handle 2 kids. I guess I'll learn as I go along.

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