Peanut butter

I've always had a bit of a love affair with peanut butter. As a child, my favorite sandwiches were peanut butter and jelly (but not marshmallow so much) and tuna fish (primarily for the Miracle Whip that's mixed in - I guess it's loaded with mercury though). Plus I don't eat fish anymore anyway. But peanut butter, I still eat.

For a while I dutifully bought those organic peanut butters that separate. You have to mix in the gross-looking oil. Then they got the hang of preventing separation. Still missing something, somehow. Then I discovered Peanut Butter & Co.'s peanut butter with sweet white chocolate mixed in. Actually, a neighbor left it on our doorstep. I think she meant it for E, but what the hey. It was delish. And that was my go-to peanut butter until today, when I wanted something...different.

Enter Peter Pan crunchy peanut butter. It has no HFCS and it is fabulous.


Pauline said…
Hmmm, that stuff sounds great!

I love peanut butter too! I really like the natural peanut butter! :0
judy in ky said…
One time when we were on vacation in the Caribbean, I had peanut butter and banana sandwiches every day for lunch.
I tried to make peanut butter jello one time... it didn't work!
Bearette said…
Peanut butter and banana...I need to try that. Like Elvis :)
Anonymous said…
I used to mix peanut butter with vanilla ice cream. I haven't done it in a long time, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't do it again!

BabelBabe said…
with a few chocolate chips and a drizzle of honey, pb&b is my oldest's favorite sandwich. it's called a Winnie-the-Pooh round these parts :)
I like Simply Jif creamy, but also have heard good things about Trader Joe's pb with flax seeds...and I like to eat any of it, any pb at all, with cut up apples.
Poppy said…
I am now craving peanut butter. :)

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