So D, our friend J, and I (plus E!) spotted Malcolm Gladwell today. He had his trademark 'fro and a laptop computer. He was eating at the same place where I had lunch with the babies not long ago. They have the best cupcakes in town. I don't know if Malcolm knows that or not.

There was some debate about whether it was actually Malcolm, but J was decisive. "It's him," he said. "Very distinctive." Plus, J mentioned honor wars, and I asked him what they were, and Malcolm heard me and his head swiveled. Apparently it's a concept from his books - in the past, Swiss people fought to keep their sheep or something, because their sheep were the best. Or something like that.

I've never read MG, but do know what he looks like. Another distinctive-looking author was John Updike, whom I've also met (when I worked at a movie theater in Massachusetts during the summer, back in college, and John came in to see Tin Cup, a golf movie starring Renee Russo).


judy in ky said…
Your post made me curious about Malcolm Gladwell. So I looked him up and spent about half an hour reading about him and his books. Then I watched the video of his speech about spaghetti sauce at the TED Awards. Then I had to look up the TED Awards and found a lot of interesting things there.
What a coincidence! I found out that Jose Abreu won a TED Award in 2009. Last November I wrote about him and El Sistema on my blog. I was so impressed him and the childrens' orchestra from Venezuela... and now I find out he won the TED Award just this year. Thanks for writing about this. I had an interesting morning and your blog started it all.
Bearette said…
I'm glad I started it off :) I'm ashamed to admit I don't know much about MG, aside from his appearance. When I met John Updike, I had read some of his books so I was on better footing :) He was very friendly in person. I didn't talk to MG b/c there's a New York rule - never approach the celebrities...
This suzy said…
Is it horrible that I've never heard of Malcolm Gladwell? lol
Bearette said…
Not horrible :) He writes nonfiction - The Tipping Point, Blink, and Outliers.
Anonymous said…
I've read all of them except the newest... they're fascinating reads.

And that hair is off the hook! I wish my hair would do something crazy like that.

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