I just got an email from my daughter's school saying that someone at her school (in a different class) came in with lice today. So they are going to check every kid in the entire school. I remember being checked for it in fourth or fifth grade, and the school nurse huffing, "This is a waste of time." I never had lice in elementary school, but then I got it unexpectedly in tenth grade (at age fifteen). I never found out who I got it from, but I was in a school play (Camelot) where we all shared hats. I remember my mother driving me to CVS, and then I insisted that we go to a different one in a neighboring town, because I knew the girl at the cash register. (You can't buy lice treatment from someone you know, especially not in high school). When my mother had lice as a child, her oldest sister's husband plucked them off her scalp and dropped them in a frying pan. I remember my mother combing out the nits when I was fifteen. It was a long process, especially since my hair was long and very thick at the time. So anyway, I hope my daughter doesn't have lice. Although someone in my old building told me they have lice removal services in the city (Lice Fairies or something like that). Only in New York!


Domestic Kate said…
My dentist recently told me about her kids getting lice. She said it's just awful getting rid of them because you have to wash or throw out just about everything. I hope Z doesn't have them! I'm trying to remember what my dentist said worked for them, though. It wasn't a lice shampoo but something else ... I'll let you know if my brain conjures it up!
Bearette said…
Thanks! Fortunately she doesn't have them. And they checked the teachers too...
Rachel Federman said…
I think coconut oil works well to at least help comb out the nits. We had a round of it here 3 years ago.
Bearette said…
That's a good idea

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