I was just browsing on Pinterest and found a recipe that looks good--Creamy Tomato & Spinach Pasta. It turns out it was from the Budget Bytes site. So the woman listed the cost of every ingredient. And I don't know where she lives...but a 9-ounce bag of fresh spinach costs more than 50 cents in my city. Or my state. Or my country...


Domestic Kate said…
There's a 99 cent store chain here in CA that apparently sells produce. Maybe that's where this person is based out of (she's using 1/2 the bag in the recipe). I saw a similar budget-friendly post on Facebook and people were complaining that the prices listed were unreasonably low for their area, and it was because the poster was shopping at the 99 Cent store. Not really fair to everyone else!
Bearette said…
That explains it! I never thought of the 99 cent store.
Bearette said…
I just made it using half of a 3.29 bag of spinach

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