In the golden age of blogging, I read about 15 blogs. Now most of them have closed up shop and I only read a handful of blogs on a regular basis. Recent themes in these blogs include feral cats, whether or not to embark on a friendship with benefits, and going back to graduate school. I started wondering whether these 3 people would get along in real life :) It would be interesting to see.

Our lives are still largely consumed by the HVAC project, which is coming to a close. I feel foolish for having talked D into renting the temporary apartment. We ended up only staying away the first week, when the work was the most intense. After that, their schedule of 6:30am-7pm proved to be an overstatement. They come at 7, which is a little hairy, but they are gone by 4 or 4:30 (I am fuzzy on when they actually leave because I tend to go to the park when they are here. But they are definitely gone by 5).

One thing that is very unfair: they are turning off the heating/cooling in our building for the rest of the year. Because it will take that long to finish all the apartments. They can't have the heating/cooling on while they work on an apartment. So we are gonna roast this summer.

I know. Good times. But at least it's not freezing anymore. (There's gotta be a silver lining, right?)


judy in ky said…
I know what you mean about the blogs disappearing. I'm glad yours is still here, and I'm glad you still come to visit mine.
I'm hoping this summer won't be as hot as last winter was cold!
judy in ky said…
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judy in ky said…
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judy in ky said…
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judy in ky said…
Not sure why my comment showed up in triplicate!
Bearette said…
That's ok :) Yes, i keep hoping the harsh winter will mean a mild summer...
This Suzy said…
How long is it going to take for them to complete everything? I mean, if it's the rest of the year, doest that mean you won't have heat for the first part of winter?
Bearette said…
It doesn't really make any sense. I heard they'll be done with all the apartments by the end of August, but they're keeping everything off till January.
Unknown said…
That project sure looks tricky. It's a good thing you had somewhere else to stay in while it was on-going. At least they're winding up soon, so that means you go back to your place soon. However, it seems that haven't finished the entire building, so good grief indeed. Probably a little prodding could help for them to reconsider once the projects are done in August. You're right, it makes no sense not to use newly installed units for months. Take care!

Adam Payne @ Williams Mechanical
Rachel Federman said…
It's sad that blogs are disappearing...that do seem like relics in a way now, replaced by media with even less thought given to content

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