So I woke up in a bad mood because I didn't get enough sleep, and then two things happened that kind of tickled me.

1) E came in with a little green man on a yellow vehicle. It was very cool. D explained that it was from M___, which is my sister's name. But it turned out he meant M___, the homeless person. This homeless person really likes reciprocity; whenever D gives her money, she gives him a toy for E or a drawing (last time it was a bird with no body, but two feet).

2) D told me that he caught the mouse last night (sometimes we, um, get a mouse in our apartment) and brought it to the garden and set it free. Doesn't that sound like a fairy tale?


judy in ky said…
It sounds like your guys chased your bad mood away. That's family at it's best. The photo is so cute. I like the thought of the mouse in the garden rather than the apartment. I'm glad he didn't kill it; I hate killing things.
Rachel said…
yes! total fairy tale. did you know how we had mice for weeks, and i'd always bring them down to the garden with Wally? it was fun. at first he was sad -- wanted to keep them for pets
Rachel said…
yes! total fairy tale. did you know how we had mice for weeks, and i'd always bring them down to the garden with Wally? it was fun. at first he was sad -- wanted to keep them for pets

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