Today was one of those almost humorously bad days. I guess sometimes you have to laugh. This morning, I lifted E out of his crib and bent my knees to lay him down on his diaper-changing pad, all the while supporting his 27-lb weight; you could almost hear my back snap. I've done this move about a million times, but I must have done it too fast today. For a moment, I lay on the floor, unable to move. Then I dragged myself into the tub.

Next up: the train to Boston was due to leave at 12:03. I got to Penn Station, only to find that all the trains were delayed. Someone near me said that her mother called Amtrak and was told our train would not get to Penn Station until 2:15 (at the earliest). The board just said "Delayed" across the board with no estimated arrival times. I figured the girl had no reason to lie, and she left the station. I did too. Bad judgment call...the train ended up arriving around 12:47 (as we found out later). We missed it.

So now we are taking a 7 pm train, which will not arrive in Boston till 10:49. Hopefully E will hold up well on this unusually late night (for him).


Poppy said…
Penn was messed up because of NJ power outages, I know that. No way of knowing for sure ahead of time when all would be well again. Hindsight, oh well. :)

I hope you have a great time in Boston, in retrospect!!! Happiest of holiday!
Bearette said…
Thanks, Poppy! Merry Christmas to you. As it turns out, we'll be going by car, tomorrow. Penn remains a mess :(
judy in ky said…
Sorry about the trains. I remember how aggravating it could be when they were all bogged down. Mobs of unhappy people... not very Christmasy.

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