
So I bought 2 books today - The Gates by John Connolly and Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger. The cover of The Gates says: "The gates of hell are about to open - want to peek?" It's different from anything I've read before, though it reminds me a bit of Rosemary's Baby. The author is kind of dry and witty and Irish.

Her Fearful Symmetry also looks good. It didn't grab me the first time I saw it at the bookstore, but I read a bit of it on Amazon and it started to pull me in. I like how one of the characters is named Elspeth.

And finally, the toddler room is having a Halloween party. I'm psyched. But I have to figure out what costume to get for E.


Lisa said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said…
Comment Try #2 (hopefully without typos this time):

Let me know what you think about "Her Fearful Symmetry." The reviews that I've read have opposing views, so I can't decide whether or not to add it to my pile.
Bearette said…
No worries. Typos add color.
Anonymous said…
I hope you post some pictures of E in costume! I think little kid costumes are fun because they don't have to be as clever as adult costumes and they look much cuter in them. It's far too much pressure being an adult :)
Bearette said…
Kit - I agree!

Lisa - I started it, and I like it. I think it might be better than The Time Traveler's Wife.

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