Rebel mom

I've become a terrible blogger, I know. So I'll tell you a bit about the toddler room. It's not in my building, but it's in one of the buildings in my complex. I've met another mother and her child there. I am intrigued by her because she is, well, a Rebel Mom. I described her to D as a "rule breaker."

  • has been kicked out of the exercise room for bringing her kid there
  • campaigned for a trash can in the toddler room, which resulted in her being kicked off the committee (I know, that's a little extreme)
  • leaves her kid's shoes on in the toddler room
  • brings snacks into the toddler room, and if crumbs are spilled, says, "I hope that guy comes and cleans up this crap tomorrow"
  • has her kid drinking out of a bottle instead of a sippy cup
If you say "Rules are there for a reason," you are right (especially about the crumbs). Yet in this age of helicopter parenting, she makes me relax. I like that she uses a bottle instead of a sippy cup. So do I, after I weaned E. It was a big enough deal to get him off the breast, and he doesn't like sippy cups. So there.


Anonymous said…
That's just a tad absurd about the trashcan. I basically like to follow the rules when the rules make sense. I think kids in a fitness center is a bad idea because they can easily get hurt or hurt others. As for the crumbs and the footwear, it sounds like she's doing it intentionally: "If we had a trashcan in here, I'd be able to clean up, but since we don't, I'm going to make a mess and inconvenience others until a trashcan is put in." It's a little immature, but it might just work.
Roxanne said…
I think some people thrive on breaking rules and try to make a point of letting everyone else know that rules are beneath them. Like you said, it puts a little less tension on the typical mommy comparison games that go on in those situations. There's nothing more irritating than a mom who is trying to prove that she's THE BEST MOM EVER and everyone else should bow down to her greatness. (can you tell I just met one of these moms at the pool recently..hehe)
Bearette said…
Exactly! Thank you. The pool mom, coincidentally, sounds like good blog fodder :)
BabelBabe said…
i think i'd ike her!

Have you read Free Range Kids? You might like it...
Anonymous said…
Lion happily drinks water from a sippy cup every day, but will not take his milk that way. Milk in a sippy cup is politely (and sometimes quite impolitely)refused. So he's still getting three bottles a day, and I don't think it's a big deal. I mean, I want for him to go off the bottle because I'm sick of washing all those blasted Born Free parts, but other than that...

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