On Facebook, a college friend (now living about three hours away) was talking about a cat she's about to get. But I thought she recently got a new cat, named Dexter. So I asked, "What happened to Dexter?"

She wrote, "Ohh, Dexter. He had to go back to his foster home because he hated us. Seriously! I'll tell the story when I get the chance."

I love this. I love cats, and wish I wasn't allergic. I feel like I might have been one in a past life.


Rachel Federman said…
it is really too bad you're allergic!
Bearette said…
Yeah, it is...we had one when I was little
Bearette said…
That's how we found out :(
Domestic Kate said…
You might like reading http://rockygrace.blogspot.com/ She fosters cats and has permanent ones, and she writes about her cat-ing adventures a lot :)

I also had a cat once who hated me. Me! I couldn't believe it. He ran away.
Bearette said…
I guess cats have strong opinions :)

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