I took a friend's advice and dusted off my Etsy shop. I'll be gradually adding items. If you want to take a peek, the URL is etsy.com/shop/bearette24.


Domestic Kate said…
Good for you! I put a handful of things in mine a couple years ago, but I had no customers. People I knew seemed to like what I was making but no one wanted to buy anything. I'm thinking if I want to sell my stuff, I might do it for a charity, like this person: http://shemakeshats.blogspot.com/2014/09/impossible-hats-send-kids-to-school.html
Bearette said…
Yes, i had the same problem when I tried before. So I was putting extra knitting in the Salvation Army bin near my house. And now trying again. I think a lot of people pay for placement, that is probably more successful, though more expensive too....
Rachel Federman said…
I can't wait to see what you have up there
Bearette said…
Thanks, I took stuff out because I wasn't selling - but maybe I will add more later :)
Anonymous said…
Hi Bearette, Just want to say I'm inspired by your keeping your blog going all these years! Looking forward to your Etsy site too! Good luck with it!
Bearette said…
Thanks Tarasophia!

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