I'm reading The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert (of Eat Pray Love fame). This book is totally different - fiction, big sprawling saga (500 pages), set mainly in the 19th century, focused on botany, Philadelphia, Tahiti, etc. (okay, I guess her love of travel is on display in both books). Among other things, I learned that the apple of Eden was most likely an apricot or a quince - there were no apples in Palestine.


This Suzy said…
I've read a couple of her books from before Eat, Pray, Love. The fictional one (Lobster Men or something like that) was only so-so, but the biographical one (The Last American Man?) was really pretty interesting.
Bearette said…
I read Stern Men but not The Last American Man...I'll have to check it out!
Bearette said…
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