So I just finished reading Jonathan Tropper's newest book, One Last Thing Before I Go. I thought it was great, probably his best yet. He is one of the best authors at balancing humor and pathos, that I have come across. After finishing that, I started How Shakespeare Changed Everything. I don't usually like nonfiction, but this seems fascinating. The author, who did his dissertation on Shakespeare, talks about a tribal ritual where men test each other on their ability to quote passages from Julius Caesar by heart. If they mess up, they are whipped with telephone wires. During this whole thing, everyone is drunk on local rum. (I know, bizarre...but interesting).

I finished the baby quilt and started work on an adult one.


judy in ky said…
I've just finished reading two of his books and have another one on my Nook. I haven't read the one you mentioned, but I plan to. I have just discovered him and I enjoy his books very much. One minute he makes you sad and the next minute makes you laugh out loud.
Rachel Federman said…
I loved Harold Bloom's Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human

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