Hello, poor neglected blog. What to say? Well, I finished reading Her Fearful Symmetry and loved it, though the ending gave me pause. Then I figured it out (I think). Before I had my epiphany, I read the reviews at Amazon to see what other people thought of the ending. No one really talked about it. They either loved the writing (like me) or said the story was "twee" and the characters "amoral." Hmm. Well, I liked it.
I saw an exceptionally hairy man at the pool today. Back, shoulders, chest...all covered. However, he did not have the "eagle tufts" of D's cousin.
And E has a new word: giraffe.
I saw an exceptionally hairy man at the pool today. Back, shoulders, chest...all covered. However, he did not have the "eagle tufts" of D's cousin.
And E has a new word: giraffe.