I really felt the transition to Daylight Savings Time this year. Maybe it gets worse as you get older. I saw this cute article about it. A guy bought a dinosaur filled with dinoflagellates (microorganisms, basically) that light up at night. However, the dinosaur came from San Diego, and it needed to adjust to East Coast time. So at first, it didn't light up the way it should. He was drawing an analogy between Daylight Savings Time and jet lag - they both disrupt your circadian rhythms.
Vegetable personalities
At the risk that you'll all think I'm nuts...but heck. I was getting cauliflower ready for dinner and it occurred to me that vegetables have different personalities. In my mind, anyway. Zucchini: the most agreeable of vegetables. It blends in with everyone, but it's never obsequious or false to itself. Sweet potatoes: the grandmother of vegetables. Very cozy and welcoming. Cauliflower: kind of bland, devoid of personality, but it could surprise you sometimes. Like a dull guy who occasionally tells a funny joke at the water cooler. Broccoli: feisty. Like a terrier. Spinach: kind of dour, but a loyal friend. Kale: has a fierce sense of individuality, but like spinach, is a loyal friend. Kale's affections last for life. Corn: this one is kind of a party animal. Corn is still drinking beer and making a mess when you'd like to be closing up. Tomatoes: a little sloppy. The kind of vegetable that needs to be reminded to tuck its shirt into its pants. Cabbage: not invited t...