
Showing posts from November, 2020
  I just made a brie, onion, potato, sun dried tomato tart. Iā€™m in food heaven šŸ˜Š
  I finished The Crown. I feel a little sad. But at least there are two more seasons coming. 
 I've been watching Season 4 of The Crown. Margaret Thatcher and Princess Diana have arrived on the scene. I always learn a lot from this show: Lord Mountbatten, the Falklands, a random intruder breaking into the queen's bedroom at night. 
 Dash & Lily (on Netflix) is really cute. 
 I went for a long-ish bike ride and passed a "manatee area." I'll bring my phone next time in case I see one. 
Just finished Iā€™ll Be Seeing You by Elizabeth Berg. Beautiful story. I always enjoy her books. 
 I'm getting a headache watching the election results.
 The pandemic has really brought me back to cooking. Today I made pupusas (little corn cakes with cheese tucked inside) and homemade slaw (shredded cabbage, carrot, apple cider vinegar).