
Showing posts from April, 2018
Making some banana wheat germ muffins. They smell good. And the batter was divine.
Last night, I had a strange dream, which I may have had before. I was staying at a hotel on the water, and as you walked from one end of the hotel to the other, the time zone changed. It was a bit startling and chilling to find it getting darker and darker as I headed for the later time zone.
I never thought I’d say this, but I miss romaine.
Facebook is getting to be a big bore. I like Twitter and Instagram better.
I finished watching The Crown last night. It didn't hit its stride until S1:E4, when a poisonous fog descended on London. After that, I was hooked. Each episode was like a history lesson (in a fun, interesting way). They're going to make at least two more seasons, but with a whole new cast, which seems a little off-putting.